On the quest for tips to elevate our sex lives in 2023, we came across a study by sustainable company, Velotric Bike, which conducted a study on sustainability and lifestyle. According to its findings, heterosexual women love dating an eco-conscious man.
On average, “eco-conscious men have three times more sex each month than men who don’t care about the environment,” revealed the brand’s findings. In addition to this, those who regularly attend trash meetups also report having the most satisfying sex lives — let us find out that environmentally friendly events are where we can find new partners at the top of the new year?
The study also revealed that the Bumble dating app has the most sustainable users and “Gen Z is most likely to find it attractive when someone mentions that they’re eco-friendly on their dating profile.” In fact, opting for a reusable water bottle was ranked as the most attractive eco-friendly behavior and riding a bike to work was seen as a “green flag.”
Since eco-conscious men are having the most sex, we can only hope that the phrase “practice makes perfect,” might make for the best f-ck buddy. Not only are they more experienced, but they also live a life focused on the wellness of their community and the Earth. With the added benefit of environmentally friendly events, you have an available pool of like-minded individuals to kick off the new dating year.
For more on sustainability and sex, check out our guide on bringing sustainability into your boudoir. Read Full Article
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